Pneumonia is bacterial infection, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. It is spread by human to human close contact via respiratory droplets. Risk of pneumonia is highest in young children, the elderly and those with chronic illness or immune system supression.
We have two pneumonia vaccines: Pneumococcal Vaccine produced by Sanofi-Pasteur-MSD PPV23. This vaccine comprises 23 capsular types of the infection. It has been used until recently in the UK Childhood Program, however it was found that it did not always produce effective immunity in young children. Secondly we have the “conjugated vaccine” Prevenar-13® produced by Pfizer, This vaccine has been found to be more effective in very young children and has replaced the PPV-23 in the UK Childhood Vaccination Programme.
In older children and adults the difference in effectiveness of the two vaccines has not been found to be as marked and therefore only the Sanofi PPV-23 is supported at NHS expense to the “below 65ys At-Risk” patients and those over 65yrs.
We are able to offer the Sanofi PPV-23 vaccine free of charge at NHS expense to those who qualify, providing they have not received this vaccine previously. To those who do not qualify under NHS criteria we are able to offer this vaccine privately at a cost of £20.
We are also able to offer Prevenar-13® (Pfizer) at a cost of £75.00. In combination with Pneumococcal Vaccine PPV-23, Prevenar-13® will provide the highest level of pneumonia protection available. The two vaccinations cannot be given together and there is a protocol to follow. If you have had the PPV-23 vaccine either through NHS or privately then Prevenar should be administered a minimum of 6 months later, if Prevenar-13 is administered first then the gap should be a minimum of 8 weeks.
The following three leaflets give more information about pneumonia
Pneumonia Information Leaflet 1
Pneumonia Information Leaflet 2
Pneumonia Information Leaflet 3
For further information please contact the clinic at [email protected] – we will try to respond within 24hrs. Alternatively phone 020 8441 2222 to speak to reception.
All vaccinations will only be given once a complete Risk Assessment has been carried out. You will have ample opportunity to ask any number of questions prior to vaccination